Scala: compose, andThen

1) andThen - composes 2 functions from left to right, "execute first and send result into input of seconds function and etc" 
Example: we have 4 functions:
String => Int 
Int => Int
Int => Double
Double => String

we can compose all this function in chain and produce function String => String, look at val func

val StrToInt :String => Int = param => param.toInt

val mult2: Int => Int = param => param*2

val addSmall: Int => Double = param => param+0.1

val DblToString :Double => String = param => param.toString

val initVal:String = "123"

(StrToInt andThen mult2 andThen addSmall andThen DblToString)(initVal)


val func : String => String = StrToInt andThen mult2 andThen addSmall andThen DblToString


StrToInt: String => Int = function

mult2: Int => Int = function

addSmall: Int => Double = function

DblToString: Double => String = function

initVal: String = 123

res0: String = 246.1

res1: String = 246.1

func: String => String = scala.Function1

res2: String = 246.1

andThen and compose defined only for Function1 (function of 1 parameter), not 0 not 2 and more parameters.

trait Function1 ...

  /** Composes two instances of Function1 in a new Function1, with this function applied last.
  def compose[A](g: A => T1): A => R = { x => apply(g(x)) }

  /** Composes two instances of Function1 in a new Function1, with this function applied first.
  def andThen[A](g: R => A): T1 => A = { x => g(apply(x)) }

compose is equivalent to andThen but in reverse

val funcComp: String => String = DblToString compose addSmall compose mult2 compose StrToInt


res2: String = 246.1


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